Building on the launch of APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy in January 2014, an independent external Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) met on 20-21 March 2014 for a two day policy review.

Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC)
Members of the Committee are noted independent forestry and social experts that track implementation and recommend improvements on APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy.
Independent oversight of a company’s sustainability pledge is unprecedented in Indonesia. In the spirit of transparency, we share with you the first SAC meeting report.
Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) on
APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP)
– Summary Report for SAC Meeting in Jakarta, March 20-21 2014 –
Members |
- Joe Lawson (Chair)
- Al Azhar
- Budi Wardhana
- James Griffiths
- Jeff Sayer (not present)
Priorities discussed |
- Terms of Reference (TOR)
- Scope of the SAC
- Verification Method
- Work plan Program 2014
Decisions made |
- TOR is finalized, with several key points as follows:
- The SAC will review APRIL’s SFMP and recommend improvements when appropriate;
- The SAC will supervise and steer the verification process;
- The SAC may suggest stakeholder forums be organized on specific issues;
- APRIL will incorporate SAC’s reasonable inputs and recommendations in a thorough and transparent manner;
- SAC members can be up to 7 people;
- The SAC may invite observers to attend meetings.
- The SAC agreed that the scope of the SAC is APRIL’s SFMP.
- The SAC Chair will solicit proposals from 3 international-recognized verifiers by April 30, 2014.
- The SAC has finalized the schedule for SAC meetings and verification timeline for 2014. At the end of 2014, the SAC will also do a process review.
APRIL’s Progress Report |
- APRIL presented the Key Milestones and status update for SFMP.
- Progress report to be updated in the next SAC’s meeting.
Recommendations |
- APRIL should focus on its forest conservation commitment to support conservation areas equal in size to APRIL’s plantation areas.
- The SAC urged APRIL to meet or even accelerate its 2019 target deadline for plantation fibre self-sufficiency.