Earlier today in Jakarta, APRIL Group joined representatives from Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), the world’s leading forest certification system, and its Indonesian partner, the Indonesian Forest Certification Co-Operation (IFCC), in announcing the first PEFC Sustainable Forest Management certification for an Indonesian forestry company.

Tony Wenas, APRIL Indonesia Operations MD (third from right) holds APRIL’s PEFC/IFCC certification witnessed by Ben Gunneberg from PEFC, Dradjad Wibowo, IFCC Chairman and APRIL President Praveen Singhavi.
PEFC is a globally recognized and accepted independent certification standard that covers two thirds of certified forests globally. PEFC certification allows consumers around the world to choose wood products sourced from plantations that have been independently verified as sustainably managed according to PEFC’s benchmarks.
APRIL Group’s PEFC Certification equips its customers with further reason to trust that APRIL Group’s products are sourced from sustainably managed plantation.
Following the announcement of APRIL Group’s enhanced Sustainable Forestry Management Policy (SFMP 2.0) last week, the certification demonstrates that APRIL Group is walking the talk on sustainability, eliminating deforestation from its supply chain and further strengthening forest conservation and protection while producing certified products.
APRIL Group now has 45% of its concession area PEFC certified in Indonesia. As its manufacturing operations are already PEFC Chain-of-Custody certified, APRIL Group is now PEFC certified end-to-end throughout its supply chain. The company is now working towards certification of its remaining forestry areas and expects this work to be completed in the coming months.
PEFC certification and the strengthening of our SFMP occurs in parallel with initiatives to grow and develop APRIL Group’s business through investments in research and technology, including a new paper production facility to increase production of high-value, premium paper products These productivity investments will create new opportunities for our partners and their customers as the digital-driven market evolves.
We would like to sincerely thank IFCC and PEFC for their guidance and inputs. It demonstrates that with the right commitment and focus, forestry companies in Indonesia can effectively balance economic, social and conservation outcomes.