Since the launch of APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy in 2014, the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) played an important role in advising and monitoring the implementation of the company’s commitment across environmental, social and governance
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) held its 12th meeting on 18-20 March 2018 in Jakarta, followed by a stakeholder forum in Riau province.
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) met with stakeholder groups in Riau on December 7, to discuss and seek inputs on KPMG’s interim assurance results on APRIL’s performance in implementing the Sustainable Forest Management Policy.
KPMG Performance Registrar Inc. was engaged by the Stakeholder Advisory Committee to provide assurance over indicators related to the implementation of APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0 (SFMP 2.0).
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) held its 11th meeting on 12 – 15 September, 2017 in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau to discuss updates related to peatland management, suppliers’ compliance with the Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0
APRIL Group discussed the details of the KPMG PRI’s assessment on the implementation of APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0 (SFMP 2.0) with stakeholders in Riau and Jakarta to take inputs on the policy’s implementation