The return of rare and endangered birdlife, the growth of sustainable forest-related alternative community livelihoods, and the continued absence of fire are just three of the highlights included in the 2017 Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER)
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) met with stakeholder groups in Riau on December 7, to discuss and seek inputs on KPMG’s interim assurance results on APRIL’s performance in implementing the Sustainable Forest Management Policy.
Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) has published a new report, Birds of the Kampar Peninsula: An Annotated Checklist, which details the presence of 299 rare and endangered birds in its Kampar Peninsula peatland restoration forest area
The Landscape Approach continues to be an evolving theory of land use planning and management that takes an integrated and holistic view of the interdependent human and natural ecosystems.
Concerned over the condition of community plantations located at Teluk Meranti, Pelalawan in Riau Province, a village group called Forum Masyarakat Penyelamat Semenanjung Kampar (FMPSK) decided to take action. In lodging a complaint with APRIL
Fire prevention in Indonesia’s Riau province takes on many forms – from the community-based Fire Free Village Programme and the collaboration and responsiveness of fire suppression teams on the ground to the vital contribution of